Emulating 3 rockstars of branding
Every expert knows to be great just copy somebody else. Well, it may not be that simple. In the world of content marketing, everybody’s creating and curating good branding content. How do you stand out? Today we dive into 3 branding showstoppers. Then we tell you how to do the same.
All 3 have one thing in common. They are rockstars of branding. And they leveraged social media.
Grand Slam: Denny’s
Tried and worked. Denny’s Restaurants have been around forever. Longtime businesses can struggle with new branding. Denny’s reinvented their content marketing. Millennial marketing is in the bag – or on the plate – with Denny’s. They leveraged Instagram and Twitter, whose key demographics are millennials, to run pun-heavy, witty campaigns. The record high engagement shows this is a big win.
Now you give it a whirl. If your core business comes from millennials, hop on Instagram and Twitter pronto. Birdie beware, though, as Twitter is not for the light-hearted. Success on Twitter requires constant tweets and platform savvy. Likewise, Instagram is photo-based but has many capabilities that go untapped. If this sounds intimidating but millennials butter your bread, we’re here to help!
They did this. GoPro is one of the most successful brands on social media. Why? They use their audience for content creation. Most companies create content internally. GoPro invites users to post experiences. The user becomes part of the brand.
How about that. If you haven’t tried video, it’s time. Have it produced or invite users of your product to post to your social media platforms.
Casper Mattresses wake you up
It worked for them. Don’t underestimate blogging. If you think your product or service isn’t a right fit, reconsider. Organizations like the CDC, AARP and Rubbermaid Mops have blogs. Does this tell you something? It’s yours for the taking. Casper Mattresses took arguably the most boring topic we know, the mattress, and created a fun award-winning blog.
It’ll work for you. Whatever you’re promoting, start a blog. The beauty of blogging is that you can make it your own. Identify your target market. Then pin down your goals. If you’re shy, hire the experts at Lucid. While blogging is everywhere, it’s a creative science to be successful. Let Lucid pull the trigger.
Have 4 more minutes? Drink your coffee and buckle up for this roller coaster ride through Reddit, the wildly successful social media giant driven by people like you.
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