Elevate Your Digital Marketing With Video SEO

Imagine this: you’ve poured your efforts into crafting engaging written content and incorporating keywords into your website. But what if there was a way to enhance your SEO strategy even further? This is where video SEO comes into play. With video content creation and optimization, you can boost your website’s search engine rankings and attract more traffic. Discover how video SEO can take your online visibility and traffic to the next level.
The Role of Written Content and Keywords in SEO
If you know anything about SEO, you probably know that it involves witing content with specific terms called “keywords” and strategically placing this content online. When these keywords populate your website content at appropriate levels, the bots and algorithms used by Google and other search engines will identify your website as a good result for any user who enters those or similar keywords into an online query box. This makes it far more likely that your company will place prominently in online searches related to its location, the industry in which it operates and the specific goods and services that it offers.
Unlock the Power of Video SEO for Higher Online Visibility and Traffic
Video SEO proves that written content isn’t the only important factor in the SEO process. In short, a good SEO marketer can employ online video posts in much the same way as keywords with the ultimate goal of topping Google search results and driving more internet traffic to your company website.
For its SEO effects and other marketing advantages, video has become a common component of most successful digital marketing campaigns. The leading SEO agency Lucid Advertising confirms the effectiveness of quality video content and strategic video placement on your website, on your social media pages and across all beneficial online platforms.
Benefits of Video SEO
Because roughly 85 percent of consumers report watching an online video before making a buying decision, the exponential growth of digital video marketing should come as no surprise. In fact, more video content will be uploaded to the internet in 30 days than has been cultivated by the television industry over the past three decades.
While its SEO benefit is one of video’s major value propositions, many business owners fail to understand exactly how it fits into the SEO puzzle as a whole. Briefly defined, video SEO involves crafting and adjusting your video content to improve search engine results for your company website.
How Video Posts Can Boost Your SEO Strategy
Google and other search engines regularly index videos when ranking results on a search engine results page (SERP). If these videos have certain qualities, they can positively impact your average SERP placement. Video SEO becomes particularly important when search engine users conduct searches under a vertically integrated “video” tab or tool.
Digital marketers employ many SEO strategies that give your videos a higher chance of ranking. First and foremost, your videos must be indexed and embedded with the proper metadata. This metadata should include the title of the video, a description of the video, the length of the video, the upload date for the video, the location of the video file/embeddable player, and a thumbnail image for the video.
Click on our Video Marketing page to see how Lucid Advertising goes above and beyond the basics of video SEO to ensure campaign success. We work closely with clients to create high-quality video content and optimize videos for each platform we post it on.
How Video Improves SEO
The supreme ranking power of relevant video metadata can cause Google to prioritize websites with video content over those without it. Beyond this fact, video can boost other Google ranking metrics. As two examples, the time users spend on your website and the number of backlinks it supports are critical metrics in Google’s ranking processes. And video has a proven ability to improve both of these key metrics.
Another powerful aspect of video SEO is the SERP video thumbnail. These small, clickable video boxes appear next to some search results and make the average user 26 percent more likely to click on entries that have them. Even better, the presence of the thumbnail makes any result a “rich snippet,” and rich snippets tend to have higher click-through rates than standard snippets.
Experience the Benefits of High-Quality Video Marketing With Lucid Advertising
Lucid creates high-quality videos in various formats, including vlogs, testimonials and drone footage, as part of our strategic video marketing services. To learn more about our industry-leading solutions, contact us today.
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